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Organization Development and Design

Helping Leaders Implement Change

Organization Development and Design serves a wide range of industries including the health care, manufacturing, financial, and utilities industries. To learn how we can help your business, Call us at: 612.922.7839

Organization Development and Design


We provide consulting to develop organization capabilities and design organization effectiveness strategies.  Our organizational development consulting services include organizational assessments, strategic planning, change management, process mapping, leadership and team development, team facilitation and peer coaching.




We provide assessments of individuals, teams and organizations accompanied by one to one feedback, coaching and onsite meetings to engage your organization in the active interpretation of results.


Organization Assessments

  • Organization Network Analysis
  • Change Management Network Analysis


Individual and Team Assessments

  • Personality Type
  • Conflict Management

We conduct standardized assessments, collect survey data, information from focus groups and interviews as a means of understanding your organization’s current situation and provide resources for leaders to set priorities on key organization strength and opportunities.


Applying and acting upon your research is where organizations receive real value from their efforts.



Organization Assessments

Organization assessments can be used to support the effective initiation of organization change or serve as a means of establishing strategic measures for employee engagement, customer satisfaction, stakeholder commitment and readiness for change.


Culture Assessment


We begin with a clear assessment of how well your culture and talent is aligned to your business strategies. Then we work with leadership to identify and implement the critical actions that will have the greatest impact.

Assessment of organization capability or culture are often conducted in order to determine what changes need to be made to leverage your organization’s resources to get an increased level of alignment with your vision, mission, objectives and values. 


  • Interpretation of assessment results actively involves key stakeholders in setting priorities on the current and future challenges facing your organization.   


  • Assessment results provide both hard and soft measures to benchmark progress towards desired business outcomes.


Organization Network Analysis


Organization networks analysis within an organization provides insight into informal patterns of organization communication that is different from the lines of authority in organizational charts.


Mapping Informal Organization Networks can provide very helpful insights into how it actually operates. A network map of work-related social networks point out hidden an  informal patterns of communication, these patterns and the players involved are often very different  from the traditional structure or lines of “org. chart” authority.


Change Management Network Analysis


Organization Network Analysis provides needed insights to help prepare and implement change management initiatives by identifying the influence of key individuals.


  • Organization Network Analysis assessments can quickly identify how the flow of information, affects communication, decision making, and collaboration. 
  • It can also be applied as a readiness assessment and also provide a resource to track changes and follow-up before and after organizational changes.

Organization Network Analysis is also a good resource to point out where some additional actions may be needed .or to measure changes occurring as well as the impact of the initiative and your communication strategy.


Myers-Briggs logo




Individual and Team Assessments  

Organization Development and Design is certified to provide the world's most powerful assessments  accompanied by highly credentialed seasoned consultants that can provide your organization’s leaders, teams and professionals insightful and comprehensive reports, one to one coaching and personal guidance.

Listed below are resources and products used by thousands of organizations to assess and develop individual, tams, leaders and organization.

Personality Type


View Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) sample reports



Conflict Management

View THOMAS-KILMANN INDEX sample report